Tuesday 24 January 2023

What Can You Do If You are Unable to Pay off Debts?

The soaring cost of living is pushing many people to borrow more and leaving them struggling to make debt payments. A lot of people are making stark choices, such as turning the heating system off to keep up with payments of energy bills. A survey has revealed that people’s budgets have succumbed to the rising cost, so they have no choice other than biting the bullet.  

Many of you have already whittled down your expenses by far, and yet it is labyrinthine to be able to cover all essential costs. Though borrowing is way easier, do not forget that you must pay back the debt and interest.

If your pocket is feeling a pinch while paying the principal value, how will you be able to pay down interest? Well, if your back is against the wall, you should take the following steps to get rid of debts.

Who should you talk to?

Before you get stuck deeper into your financial difficulties, you should immediately seek help. Consult a financial advisor who can assess your current financial situation to bring a repayment plan that works for you.

Debt advisors can talk you through multiple options. In addition, there are several organisations that can help with debt management, like MoneyHelper, National Debtline, StepChange Debt Charity, and Citizen Advice Service. Most of these organisations provide free service.

Visit their website to know how they can be of great help. Do not put off, as the sooner you take help, the better it is.

What steps can you take on your own?

Do not throw in the towel until you are sure you can do nothing about it. Though debt organisations are out there to help you, it does not mean that you will stop putting in the effort. Even a little contribution will help you stay afloat.

Debt organisations advise that you work out how much you owe, to whom, and how much you need to pay every month. Then identify priority debts like mortgages, auto loans, energy bills, and the like. Suss out how much you can cover in debt payments. You can do it by creating a budget and adding up living costs. Take these away from your income to see how much you can throw at your debts.

Talk to your lender and tell them of your true financial condition and how much you can pay. They will probably allow for minimum payments unless you bounce back. See how you can boost your income. Consider a pay hike. If it is not possible, you should try to grab a part-time job or freelance project.

Energy bills make up a large proportion of your debt. What to do?

Undoubtedly energy bills are the biggest problem of many people. A rapid rise in prices of energy has caused many people to borrow from private money lenders in the UK. Despite borrowing, many people are unable to keep up with the payment of energy bills.

Further, borrowing puts additional pressure on your pocket as now you are to pay interest as well. When you find it hard to pay off energy bills, suppliers can force you to have a prepayment metre installed. This may not be a wise decision, so you should try to clear your debt as soon as possible.

Turning off the heating system will make you sick, so it is not a wise decision to do so. Instead, you should talk to your energy supplier to see if they are ready to accept lower payments. Assure them that you will clear all outstanding debts as soon as you bounce back. It will be to your advantage when you actually have a solid plan.

What if nothing works?

There are chances that you could do all but nothing to pay off your debt. It is essential to bear in mind that you cannot escape your debts, whether they are secured or not. Personal insolvency could help you deal with this situation, but it will affect your credit score for up to six years.

Further, you cannot just lunge at it. You will need to mull over and consult a financial expert before declaring bankruptcy. The official receiver will sell your assets to settle as much debt as possible.

The final word

Debts are a snag when they are challenging to handle. Therefore, it is suggested that you borrow money only when you can clear your dues. As far as it is about energy bills, you should try to work on your budget. The more expenses you cut, the more money you can pay toward energy bills.

Though you can expect some help from energy suppliers, it may not be sufficient. Find out some realistic and wise ways to cut back on energy. Consult a debt advisor for the settlement of other obligations like loans for bad credit with no guarantor.

Be proactive, as otherwise, you will be stuck deeper into debt.

Tuesday 17 January 2023

Is it difficult to find loans with bad credit and no guarantor?

 When your credit history shows depressing results, you seem to give up the idea of borrowing. It is because bad scores lessen the possibility of getting approval from lenders. In this scenario, there is little hope for someone who is able to provide a guarantor.

What if you have bad credit and cannot provide a guarantor? You will have doubts about standing a chance to get loans. However, it is not true as loans for bad credit provided with no additional requirement of guarantor.

Your affordability will have more weightage here in the eyes of the lenders. You must not expect such flexibility from traditional lenders who have stringent terms and conditions. These services are available from direct lenders like FocusLoans.

Such a provision will surely solve the problems of the most deprived category of borrowers. All thanks to the progressive mindset of the lenders. They do not give significance in past credit scores. Rather, they prefer to focus on the present financial condition of the borrower.

Delve deeper to have a complete idea of how you must go ahead with your loan request despite credit issues and other obligations.

Reflect on areas that can play a vital role

You might have some confusion regarding this type of loan arrangement. It allows you to take out money even when your credit scores are not favourable. On top of this, it does not need any guarantor support.

Here, the lender will examine your present financial condition to validate your chances of approval. Remember a few points.

Apply with private money lenders in the UK

These lenders do not ask for a guarantor even when your credit scores are not stellar. Therefore, the first thing you must do is send your request to direct lenders. Please note that mainstream lenders will never process your request.

Rounding out the application does not take too much time also. You can complete this effortlessly with a laptop or a smart phone. Therefore, you need not have to visit the bank or the local store.

Being physically present is not necessary when you will apply with private money lenders in the UK. However, your online application must disclose valid facts. The Lender will make the final decision after examining everything.

You can reap benefits in many different ways by applying with these lenders. Make the most out this opportunity to clear off the pending bills on time. It will be helpful in gaining the lost financial stability

Get an amount that you can pay easily

Do not get swept up it too much and select an unrealistic amount! This way, you will waste this opportunity. Borrow a comparatively smaller amount so that you can repay without any complications.

If you borrow more than what you can actually afford, it will end up in debt. You will face hardship in repaying and it will ultimately result in defaults. Therefore, you must refrain from doing this.

It is critical for you to choose an amount after devising the repayment strategy. Managing payments will be easy when you have a plan. Without a proper plan, repaying on time is a difficult task.

Analyse the purpose of borrowing

Borrowing without a purpose is the dumbest thing of all. It will be a big mistake. You should not borrow if there is no solid reason for it.

You will land in new trouble if you borrow just because this option is easily accessible. Your credit scores experience some changes when you borrow money. Therefore, when there is no purpose, you must not let your credit scores suffer. Negative scores will get updated if repayment gets delayed.

Please stop yourself from considering loans as a way to get money quickly. You must treat it like a responsibility. You will have to bear the burden of fees when you opt for loans.

You must approach direct lenders for these loans if you have a genuine purpose. With a perfect strategy to accomplish timely repayments, you will have a smooth journey.

Refrain from utilising these loans to supplement your earning. It is not the right way to amplify your income. Do not forget it is a liability!

Besides, you must not employ these loans to suffice some costly purchases. Loans will give you money on the spot but will demand money back along with interest.

The bottom line

Loan help with bad credit scores is not easy to find. It is because you lack the necessary creditworthiness to satisfy the lender. However, you can point out an alternative way to fetch money with all these obligations by applying with private money lenders.

Bad credit borrowers can now think of getting financial advantage with an additional relaxation. They do not even have to arrange a guarantor. Direct lending conditions are quite flexible for borrowers who are facing hardship in the financial front.

Wednesday 11 January 2023

Refrain from making these financial blunders to keep problems away

There is no defined catalogue of financial blunders. You cannot wipe out its possibilities even when your financial life is relatively peaceful. Restricting them is the only way to reduce the damage to your finances.

When your finances are in a stable state, recovering from the mistake is easy. Nevertheless, it becomes tough to get through when your finances are not in place. It is your lookout to understand the intensity of the ongoing trouble.

Most importantly, you must know what you should not do to ruin the situation further. It is possible when you are aware of the potential mistakes you can make by being in this condition.

In this blog, our matter of concern will be people who are already facing too much and need some respite. Preventing financial blunders can definitely ease off the financial burden from their shoulder.

Financial mistakes- Not discussed too often

Blunders are the financial blind spots that borrowers ignore most of the time. These are something that you cannot rectify by simply working with a budget. You can find some way out by sticking around the blog till the end.

Look carefully when borrowing with very bad scores

Having the worst credit history is not a crime but a disadvantage. You must try to improve the scores as staying with these scores for too long would not be suitable for you.

Outstanding payments can be a reason why you are in such a state. If funds are not sufficient for you, try to extract credit from outside. However, since you are in a vulnerable financial stage, getting any random loan is a mistake in itself.

Instead of that, you can look for personalised solutions like very bad credit loans need no guarantor offered by direct lender. The reason why this can be a convenient option is that it targets borrowers like you only.

Rates will be set accordingly to match your budget and capability. Furthermore, it offers some flexibility which you might not find with other lenders.

Ignoring saving for health insurance

Saving as a habit is promoted in various ways on the internet. Apart from addressing the practising of this habit, one must follow it to stash money for health purposes.

The emergency fund works wonderfully in many different situations, including medical emergencies. However, it is not enough to cover the emergency altogether. Most importantly, the money does not grow with time, while the size of the expense will surely increase.

For this purpose, you must invest a separate portion of money towards health insurance. It will help the funds to grow and match your changing needs.

Preventing seeking help during unemployment

Many jobless individuals repeat this common mistake despite knowing the consequences. In the past, options are scarce for this type of borrower. Now, circumstances are quite amicable and convenient for someone who is out of a job.

Unemployed loans offered by direct lenders in the UK can be your saviour in this situation. You can expect the required financial assistance through this option. Lenders will let you apply if you can use any other source of income.

It should not necessarily be a stable source of income. Any freelance or side income means are acceptable in the case of an unemployed loan applicant. Therefore, you will make a mistake by not referring to this option.

In fact, it can be the safest choice when you are going through an adverse financial phase. Review this option so that you can fetch the best and bespoke offer.

Not shopping around for the best prices

You must draw comparisons while you are buying something or investing in something, or borrowing. If followed with care, this trick can help you get a loan within budget.

Weighing your options before going ahead with one makes sure you are walking in the right direction. It means you will not choose any option blindly. You have logically reviewed the option before proceeding with it.

When you apply this trick at the time of purchasing, you end up buying the most desired item at the least price. The same thing goes for investing. Stacking each offer against the other would help you get more returns with the same amount of investment.

The bottom line

This blog has talked about some of the financial blunders you might not have found anywhere else. These aspects have covered the uncommon financial issues of people.

It is the right resource for you if you are living on the edge of your financial life. Implement the strategies discussed here to be on the safer side. You can do this if you have already completed reading this blog.

Be in an advantageous position even after facing too many setbacks in life. This blog is for your guidance. The implementation is on you.

Acknowledge your problem and decide which way you must take to solve it. 

Tuesday 27 December 2022

Obtaining personal loans with no job - Is it a challenge or cakewalk?

How many times have you stepped back, doubting the possibility of getting loan help with no job! It might show an uncountable digit. Your ineligibility to fulfil the job criteria might be the reason for this.

Getting a personal loan from lenders in the UK is indeed a dream for many jobless individuals. The pressure of conforming to loan repayment discourages borrowers from considering loans as an option. However, things are changing with hope from direct lenders.

A change in thought process is happening. It is helpful for those poor, unemployed souls. Now, the possibility of acceptance rises even if you manage to show any source of income.

Any form of income should be adequate to meet the repayment conditions. Then, making it to approval is not at all challenging. Furthermore, you must consult with the lender to get a clear idea about how things will take place.

You can know more about this simply by reading through this blog also.

Which factors can enhance your chances?

Of course, some factors can amplify the possibility of getting loans during unemployment. Following them, you can make sure of guaranteed loans  for the unemployed offered by direct lenders.

These are:

Credit rating

Your credit score should not disappoint the lender. These days, scores ranging between fair and bad do not fall in the risky range, according to some direct lenders.

If your scores are somewhat around the upper limit, you will get weightage for this. However, it does not confirm you will surely get loans based on it only. In fact, a combination of factors works to strengthen the chances of approval.


It is by far the most critical parameter that can totally change the game. For direct lenders, earning sources other than a stable job would work. The lender will be happy if you earn regardless of what ways you earn.

Your income should suffice the repayment payment. There is no problem if you do a part-time job to continue your job. You can be a freelancer working from home after resigning from the job.

It is because you are responsible for paying back loans. You must earn money via any means. It should be enough to support loan repayments.

Debt-to-income ratio

It shows the amount of debt you are holding against your current income. Lenders have a special preference for a loan application that shows the ratio to be below 36%. It indicates your financial situation is in control. Most importantly, you have the potential to repay within the specified limit.

How can you work on improving your chances?

Once you are aware of the factors that can play a critical role in enhancing your chances, you must start working on them.

Try out ways to upgrade your scores

Having fair credit scores facilitates borrowing at more affordable rates. Therefore, if your credit scores are bad, try hard to upgrade your scores.

There are different strategies you can implement like:

· Formulate a budget to follow

· Spend within your limit

· Pay off pending dues as early as possible

· Skip borrowing if not urgent

· Amplify income means

Consolidate debts

To downsize the pile of debts, you must count upon effective debt consolidation financial solutions. You can opt for either snowball or avalanche method to consolidate debts.

Go for whichever option suits you. It will help you cut back on the level of debt. It will also show positive results in your debt-to-income ratio.

Add up sources of income

If income is the biggest problem that is stopping you from getting loans, searching for income streams is the best thing to do.

You will be receiving benefits for being unemployed. If it is not enough, look for some side income jobs. It will help in generating an additional source of income.

Apart from being able to have a firm grip on the personal fund requirement, this extra earning will also improve your chances of getting loans.

You do not have to compromise the time allotted for self-development and job search. You can opt to work in your free time after completing all these tasks.

The bottom line

Unemployment itself is a challenging phase. The worst thing is that it invites further complications in life. The absence of a fixed income source can feel like a curse.

You must consider other ways of income to keep up with expenses. Such a decision will work in your favour when you look for additional cash assistance. The lender will not see your financial condition as a potential trap.

It can hold true if you are applying with direct lenders. They are ready to accept your application if your income source makes sure about repayment. It is because getting the money back is the primary concern of every lender.

Keep the vital facets in mind discussed in this blog while searching for loans after losing a job. It will be helpful for you.

Friday 24 December 2021

4 Reasons Cash Back Credit Cards Are worth Your Money

Why not?

In this time and this advancement, a cashback credit card is something that you can surely use all the time.

Literally! All the time.

But, often, people make queries on whether or not cashback credit cards are better than normal credit cards.

Some question if these cards are worth buying. Other doubtful folks consider them a miniature version of the normal credit card.

You guys should take a deep breath!

They are just credit cards. Simple credit cards that come with cashback offers.

And they aren’t popular, right?

Statista says:

“From 2012 to 2017, the number of cashback transactions has been recorded to be 200 million to 266 million using payment cards and mobile transactions.”

In these times, it is much important to get a cashback credit card, and that can make your life more efficient.

·      Why do You Need a Cash Back Credit Card?

Cash back credit cards are one of the best ways to get a life that is financially planned and secured. Although you can take out a bad credit loan for the unemployed if you mess your credit score up, you can still recover the issue by coupling the loan with the cashback credit card you are going to buy after reading this blog.

Read these reasons to buy a cashback credit card.

1.      They Come with Attractive Offers

As the name suggests, a cashback credit card can offer cashback offers on many items that you use daily.

While you are not going to get offers for almost buying anything, you can definitely get offers to buy some particular things, which are usually expensive.

Like Gasoline!

But it is not just that a cashback credit card offers price discounts for purchasing gas only.

You can get the same offers in buying basic things like groceries, or takeaway food etc.

You may also get cashback offers in terms of travelling.

Do researches and find the right cashback credit card and make a purchase.

2.      They Help You Save Money with Rewards and Discounts

Yes, with a cashback credit card, you will surely get discount offers and other sorts of rewards.

You may think that it is impossible for a credit card of this kind to offer.

But that’s not true.

With timely transactions and payments; or paying the APR in time, you can make a fantastic credit score.

This will rather help you get discounts and rewards in buying things.

And yes, you can get discounts and rewards on almost everything you buy.

Calculate the deduction and cashback offers and see how much you can save.

3.      Cash Back Credit Cards Are Not that Expensive

They aren’t expensive.

 Cashback credit cards are inexpensive because they are many in number and that they come in a variety.

These credit cards are some of the most popular credit cards out there, and people in the UK often use one cashback credit card with another normal credit card to balance their shopping.

Some credit cards also exist with zero annual fees.

Others come in as low annual fees such as 25 pounds.

4.      It Gives You Better Return of Money

Money making is a management that can be learnt.

In terms of a cashback credit card, you make a lot of money by saving it.

Consider it in this way. You make cash by cashback offers, and everybody does not avail of this privilege.

Now, you can keep track of the money used and get the money you save deposited in your bank account.

Or you can take a yearly plan and save as much money as you can and deposit it in the savings account to create an additional fund.

Whatever you do, you need to keep track of your money used and money saved in order to get the best of the cashback credit card you have borrowed.

Plus, you can double and triple the amount in case you get more than one cashback credit card to help you with. 

·      To Conclude

Cash back credit cards are the ones that are neglected by many. 

But they come with advantages you often skip out.

Similar to the advantages of tenant loans with no credit check, cashback credit cards are often defined as means to solve a problem faster with efficient financial ways.

Besides, it is also a relaxing factor that most of these cashback credit cards come with facilities that provide a good state of mind.

It also enriches purchasing decisions and helps one live a promising life.

With that in mind, the next time you go for buying cashback credit cards, be sure to do some researches on it.

It is because doing that will get you the best deal.





Thursday 1 November 2018

No Guarantor Loans - To Avoid the Risks of Being a Guarantor

Have you ever came across the dilemma of “to be” or “not to be” someone’s guarantor? None in today’s world wants to take the responsibility of others. Then, how can you take the responsibility of the person who might not be able to repay the amount he borrowed? That is when no guarantor loans help people to get loans without the need of getting a guarantor involved.

Times when being a guarantor can be risky

There might be times when the decision of being a guarantor can prove to be a risky choice for you. To avoid yourself falling into these situations, you must know what can be the situations that might be entering in your life when you think of being someone’s guarantor.

Do not let yourself stumble over unlimited guarantees

Signing the documents is not what being a guarantor is restricted to. No matter how close the person is to you, reading the documents is necessary before you finally decide to be one. There can be guarantees like, unlimited guarantees, that can put you into a problematic situation.
These guarantees, as the name suggests, are on an unlimited basis. That is, in case the borrower increases the amount of the loan in the future for more requirements coming his/her way. You, as a guarantor, become responsible for the whole ‘new amount’. To avoid the same, make sure that you read the documents at an initial stage.

Are you a ‘guarantor’ or a ‘co-borrower’?

Ask yourself the question and if you do not really know, that is exactly when being a guarantor can take a risky turn for you. People often confuse the terms ‘guarantor’ and ‘co-borrower’. A guarantor is only responsible at the time where the borrower is unable to repay his/her loan amount. But, a co-worker is equally responsible for the repayment of the loan. You must be clear whether you want to be a co-worker or a guarantor. And if none, loans for bad credit, no guarantor and no fees from direct lender are anyhow there for the borrowers.

Do not get trapped

Family and friends are someone who stand by your side. When you choose to be a guarantor, it is mostly for your closed ones. After all, you trust them and you cannot even say “NO”. Say, your friend asked you to be his guarantor and you trusted him and did the same. But, what about the time when he surprisingly fails to pay his loan? Now, you have to repay that amount. The time becomes worse when you, at the same time, are also going through some kind of financial crisis and now you have to take the responsibility of someone else’s payments. In such a case, you can opt for £1000 pound loans with bad credit and no guarantor.

Arrival of difficult financial situations

You chose to be the guarantor to provide help to someone but the inability of repayments made the tables turn for you. It is hard to get bank loans approved in the UK. There is a high possibility that in the hurry, some payments might go unnoticed. That is when another risk of difficult financial situation emerges for you.

Saturday 25 November 2017

What is Unconventional about Bad Credit Loans with No Guarantor?

Standing firm against the unanticipated financial crisis can bring the desired outcomes for you. But many people fail to deal with the situation. They get depressed for what has happened to them, and then put themselves in a situation where they cannot think too much about the solution. You have to make the choice whether to keep a positive mind or sitting at home with worrying about the turmoil.

Overlooking the options that you have at the marketplace is indeed not the right thing to do. Of course, you need a good credit rating to qualify for the loans, as the market trends definitely say so. However, it has a half reality after considering the presence scenario at the UK loan market. Lending policies have changed quite a bit and people with bad credit scores are no longer unqualified for availing the loans.

You definitely see the presence of unconventional loan options nowadays. And, you cannot exclude bad credit loans with no guarantor from that list. Underestimating such loan offers would be your biggest mistake, if you need an immediate transfer of funds. You would get the perfect assistance; it is just a matter of accepting the importance of these loans.

Flexible Lending Policy

The marketplace of the UK is one of the largest in the world and many lenders have something different to offer. Few of them specialise in such bad credit loans and they are satisfied in assisting people with less-than-perfect credit history. Of course, these loan providers want that their borrowers must fulfil their basic requirements, which are not hard to obtain as you might assume. In fact, these loans are the outcomes of the flexible lending policies, adopted by the online lenders.

Unsecured Financing

It is good for you to understand early the changing trends of the marketplace because only then you would able to apply loans without guarantors at your own convenience. These loans are available without any pressure of securing the loan. You are free to submit loan application with not placing your home or car as the loan security. However, you cannot seek for the long term funding with such option, as it is well suited for the immediate need of funds with not involving any risk.

Loans on Instant Decision

One more thing that makes these loans unconventional is they come through instant decision taken by the lenders. The inclusion of the internet in the loan application procedure has reduced the burden of paperwork from the borrowers. They can now submit their loan requests without physically appearing at the lender’s office with carrying a bunch of papers. Instead, loans without guarantors are available online, which is less time-consuming and also save money for you.

No Broker Needed

There are many people, who want broker’s guidance in order to seek for a loan. It can be a crucial step, but broker would not help without asking for significant charges. Can it be possible for you to pay broker’s fees when already having a shortage of funds? It may not be practical for you. However, the search for the reliable lenders, which are providing bad credit loans with no guarantor, can be done online without any broker needed.

No Credit Check

When you are applying loans, you must have several things into your mind. Are you looking for no credit check option? Indeed, it can be your desire because the credit score is not suitable to reveal. But there is nothing to worry. The UK lenders do not have any issue while presenting short term loans for bad credit people. They do not go through the borrowers’ credit background or just perform a soft credit check without rejecting their loan applications.

A Short Review:-  It is a proven fact that the UK marketplace has been on significant changes. But still, the options like loans without guarantor are still the subject of debate among many financial experts. They doubt on the loan’s effectiveness because the guarantor’s signature often confirm the authenticity of the borrowers. Nevertheless, many people are getting advantages from such sorts of loans, which have changed the experts’ perceptions a bit. The loans have not altered the trends completely, but amended them as per the demand of such unconventional funding options.